Tuesday 22nd of October 2024
AREZKI Consulting
ETL/ELT Expert
Opentext ETL Genio Certified Professional


Magic Quadrant for CPM Suites, 2007(Gartner)
2008 CIOs IT expect(Gartner)
Latest release of Genio version 7
BI tradeshow Paris 2007


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Independent IT consultant, I provide to companies a large missions types on Training, Consulting and Software Engineering in Business Intelligence and Data Integration.

My mission is to follow and to support companies of their information system since the analysis of the needs until the installation for the solutions.

My customers are located both in France and at the international.

Why to utilise an independent IT consultant on your projects:

Reactivity, Proximity, Simplicity,
Expertise, Effectiveness,
Responsability, Confidence.

You will find on this site a resume of my activity.